Kirsten (my owner) is very sick, and is still not feeling well, so I haven't been very active :( Sorry about that!
On the bright side, my good friend Inky sent me things! My package arrived a day or so before Valentine's day, and it was all wrapped up for me! I decided not to open anything until Kirsten could take photos of me, so Inky could see my reactions!
Here is all my loot! Excuse me rather messy hair, it does that sometimes.
The red card is the Lunar New Year card, on it was a horse pin!
First I opened up the brown packet, and inside was candy (!!) and a card.
I carefully opened up the envelope, trying my very best to not soil it, and looked at the lovely card! It had a pin on it, too! It was a pale pink and was ruffly on the sides.
Carefully, I slide off the pins and put them on my shirt! Here are the pins on me, hehe.
Thank you so much Inky! I really appreciate your kindness, it really brightened our day! I'm off to go eat my candy.
Until Next Time,